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This course aims to promote the correct instruction of the students so that they might as future priests thus be rendered more apt to understand clearly the character and force of the renewed sacred liturgy, to insert it into their own spiritual lives and into their daily conduct, and to communicate its richness suitably in their ministry to be faithful.
The course is designed in the spirit of Vatican II, namely, preparing the students to fulfill the office of moderator of liturgy and president of liturgical assembly’ with style and grace in a ‘full, conscious, active’ and creative manner especially in today’s growing secularization of society.
A written or practical assignment is given in order to assess the students’ comprehensive understanding and appreciation of liturgy.
Elliott, Peter, J. Ceremonies of the Modern Roman Rite: A Manual for Clergy and All Involved in Liturgical Ministries. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1995
Flannery, Austin, ed. Vatican Council II: The Conciliar and Post Conciliar Documents
Nevins, A.J. Called to Serve - A Guidebook for Altar Servers. Huntington, Indiana: Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division, 1993
Bride, Richard, Church, The Evolution of Catholicism.
Geldhof, Joris, Liturgy and Secularism, Collegeville Minnesota, Liturgical Press Academic, 1997
Chupunggo, Anscar J, Handbook for Liturgical Studies, Collegeville Minnesota, Claretian Publication, 1997
Chupungo, Anscar J, Liturgtical Inculration Sarramentals, Religiosity and Catechesis, Colllegeville Minessota, The Liturgical Press, 1992
Puthiadam, Ignatius, Christian Liturgy- The Re- presentation of the Greatest God-Human Story, Mumbai, St Paul Press Training School, 2003
Congar, Yves, True and False Reform in the Church, Collegeville Minessota, Liturgical Press, 2011…..translated Philibert Paul
Ratzinger, Joseph, The Spirit of the Liturgy, San Francisco, Ignatius Press, 2014, trnaslated Saward John.
2 hrs per week one semester. (Not offered to lay students)
Fr. Stanley Antoni